Press Release
Barcelona, February 26th, 2018
Nexedi is demonstrating during Mobile World Congress 2018 the first preview of a Network Management System (NMS) designed for low latency 5G and 4G networks and published under Free Software licenses. Combined with Amarisoft's 5G / 4G stack, it is now possible to deploy a full featured commercial telecommunication network that relies entirely on software, runs on commodity hardware and supports the provisioning of Edge Computing value added services such as artificial intelligence (A.I.) offloading for autonomous cars or IoT buffering gateways.

Nexedi's Network Management System (NMS) is part of the Open Source Telecom Vendor (OSTV) project, a joint initiative of Amarisoft, AW2S, BJT Partners, University of Paris-Diderot, Nexedi and Splitted Desktop Systems to create an open source framework for the deployment of 4G and 5G networks based on a distributed architecture. OSTV project is sponsored by French government's innovation programme "Gands Défis du Numérique".
Jean-Paul Smets, CEO of Nexedi, explains: "Ten years ago, Nexedi was one of the inventors of distributed cloud computing, also known as Edge Computing. We first extended our SlapOS multi-tenant distributed cloud architecture into a Network Management System (NMS) by supporting the orchestration of Amarisoft LTE / NR virtual radio access network (VRAN) services at the edge. Our NMS supports subscriber management, accounting, monitoring, billing, issue tracking workflow, inventory management and provisionning of value added services at the edge.".
Rafael Monnerat, COO of VIFIB, adds: "SlapOS relies on re6st and babel protocol created at IRIF to optimise latency on a hybrid wired and wireless IPv6 mesh network that acts as a resilient backhaul. By eliminating the need for centralised core network, we already reach effective end-to-end application average latencies of less than 30 ms over LTE with standard user equipment (UE). With the upcoming NR radio announced by Amarisoft at MWC 2018, we expect to reach effective end-to-end application average latencies of less than 5 ms. We believe that both are sufficient for critical applications such as autonomous driving."
Jean-Paul Smets concludes: "In addition to leading innovation and low latencies in telecommunication infrastructure industry, the OSTV project also leads to dramatic cost cuts. By using OSTV, France's white areas could be covered with 4G+ for 200 million euros instead of 3 billion euros with mainstream technologies."
- English, French:
- Jean-Paul Smets, Nexedi CEO, Tel: +33(0)-6-29-02-44-25, Email: jp (at) nexedi (dot) com
- Chinese:
- Ni Yan, Nexedi, Tel: +86-13871490101, Email: ni (dot) yan (at) nexedi (dot) com
- German:
- Sven Franck, Nexedi, Tel: +33 (0)-6-61-76-64-23, Email: sven (dot) franck (at) nexedi (dot) com
- Japanese:
- Yusei Tahara, Nexedi KK, Tel: +81(0)-804068-9210, Email: yusei (at) nexedi (dot) com
About Nexedi
Nexedi is the largest publisher of Open Source / Free Software in Europe with 15 million lines of original source code. Nexedi enterprise software portfolio covers business applications (ERP5), edge cloud computing (SlapOS), big data (Wendelin), distributed transactional NoSQL database (NEO), HTML5 productivity (OfficeJS), progressive offline web applications (RenderJS, JIO), software defined resilient networking (re6st), devops (Webrunner) and multimedia conversion (cloudooo).
With presence in Europe, Asia and Americas, Nexedi addresses a wide range of industries ranging from aerospace, apparel, banking, telecommunication, healthcare to government sectors. The Free Software nature of Nexedi solutions eliminates licensing costs, provides full freedom to update or customise the system as business requirements change and let corporations capitalise their know how with no single vendor lock-in. Nexedi provides 24/7 support to corporations and governments wishing to migrate their mission critical applications to Free Software solutions.
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About SlapOS
Born in 2009, SlapOS is the only Open Source / Free Sofware solution for edge computing that has been deployed commercially and successfully. Based on a Hyperconverged Orchestration System (HyOS) that consistently integrates provisionning, devops, accounting, billing, monitoring, orchestration and automated disaster recovery, SlapOS can be used to implement in a few days or weeks public clouds, distributed mesh clouds, big data clouds, hyperconverged infrastructures, IoT appstores, 4G/5G networks or edge computing. SlapOS technology is at the core of Teralab, a big data platform that was awarded by the Big Data Value Association and used by dozens of multinational corporations. SlapOS has been deployed together with ERP5 at Airbus, Mitsubishi, Aide et Action, Capago, etc.
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ERP5, SlapOS, Wendelin, NEO, OfficeJS, Re6st and Cloudoo are registered trademarkes of Nexedi. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.