Can you re6st?
is a multiprotocol random mesh generator that uses babel
routing protocol to discover optimized routes between each point in
the mesh. It supports IPv6 and IPv4 with RINA support coming soon and is
used commercially by VIFIB distributed cloud provider
to solve the current lack of reliability of Internet for distributed
enterprise applications: bugs in routers, packet inspection
that breaks TCP protocol, government filtering that filters too much,
etc. Without re6st, it would have been impossible to deploy critical
business applications used by large companies (Mitsubishi, SANEF,
Aide et Action, etc.) on a decentralized cloud. It would also be
impossible to manage deployment of distributed cloud in Brazil, China
or Ivory Coast where Internet is even less reliable.
The current implementation of re6st has three limitations:
it does not scale to more than what linux kernel can support in terms of routing table
it does not prevent intruders from sending rogue messages that break the routing protocol
it does not prevent deep packet inspection to alter metrics discovered by the routing protocol
This post summarizes a paper addressing the first limitation through a random recursive mesh architecture
inspired by the idea of recursivity and unification that we learnt by
reading the introduction materials of John Day to RINA. It was financed by
the Pristine project,
which aims to developing a Software Development Kit for the IRATI Linux prototype.
Understanding re6st
Re6st generates a random mesh of tunnels between computers located
all over the world. A certain number (ex. 10) of arrows (tunnels) are
randomly created from each node (computer) of the mesh to another
node. Each arrow (tunnel) of the mesh is used to carry payloads
between nodes (computers) of the mesh. Every given time period (ex. 5
minutes), a certain share of arrows (tunnels) is destroyed and
replaced by randomly chosen tunnels.
The best possible combination of arrows to reach another node is
computed in real time by a routing protocol, in our case babel. The
general design of re6st is modular in abstract: tunnel
technology can be changed (ex. openvpn, gre, fou, tinc, etc.) as well
as routing protocol (ex. babel, batman, etc.) or protocol (ex. IPv6,
IPv4, RINA, etc.).
The general ideas of re6st are described in the report of Ulysse
Beaugnon: This paper also demonstrates how re6st can provided better
resiliency and reliability than default IPv4 routes on Internet.
Three key principles must be kept in mind:
Practical design leads to wrong design
This means that the idea of selecting the « best
tunnels » rather than following randomness or the idea of
preserving the « best tunnels » rather that
taking random destruction decisions will break the resilient nature
of re6st and thus make it just useless, since it would then replicate
the current non resilient behaviour of Internet. The importance of
randomness can be understood by comparing the random decision in
re6st to the random choice of stock in an investment portfolio.
Selecting the « largest cap » stock (S&P500,
CAC40, etc.) will usually provide higher return on investment over a
short period of time but higher risk too. Selecting random stock
minimizes the risk while providing a fair return on investment, often
better than any other heuristic. This is often described by the story
in which a monkey selecting random stock ends up with the highest
return on investment after a long period of time than any
professional trader.
However, there are a few cases where some kind of selection or
preservation is required for practical reasons: small sized
mesh and tunnels « being used ».
In small sized mesh, randomly selectable arrows are too few. The
probability that random selection of arrow selects only poorly
performing tunnels becomes too high. For example, a user of VIFIB's
operated re6st in China must force re6st to select at least one a
arrow which destination is also in China or which does not use
openvpn tunnel technology. Else the random selection algorithm will
likely select arrows which destination is outside China and which use
a tunnel technology (openvpn) that is blocked by the great firewall.
For practical reasons, we have in this case to distort the random
selection of arrows by favouring arrows which destination is in China
or which tunnel technology is not filetered by the great firewall. If
we did not do, we would have to wait too long (ex. one hour) until
random selection of arrows finds a well performing tunnel. The
situation we described in China is similar in other countries even
though it is less obvious.
The case of tunnels « being used » is even
more critical: if we destroy arrows randomly while they are
being used, it takes about one minute for a routing protocol like
babel to find a new route. This delay can be reduced by increasing
the frequency of route updates by babel. However, if the number of
arrow hops to go from one node to another node in the mesh increases,
so does the probability that an arrow is being destroyed during the
exchange of packets between two nodes. In a real world situation,
users using an accounting software hosted on a re6st mesh would then
have to wait about one minute every hour to access a transaction.
This is not an acceptable user experience. Therefore, we had to
introduce the idea that we try not to destroy arrows being used and
to improve the destruction process of arrows. In order to achieve
this, we introduced an API to babel in order to collect the routing
metrics for every arrow being used. Before destroying an arrow which
supports a route present in the routing table, re6st firsts
overwrites the metric of the route in babel to simulate a very poorly
performing route. Then it waits for this route from being removed
from the routing table by babel. Only then it destroys the tunnel.
However, nothing proves that the route will be removed, especially in
the case of small sized meshes. We therefore set a limit (ex. one
hour) after which we forcibly destroy the arrow in order to preserve
our principle « destruction creates life ».
Being practical is required to make re6st usable: no user
can accept to wait one minute every hour, even for the sake of
resiliency. But being practical can not be a valid guideline:
key principles of re6st must be preserved else resiliency will be
lost. Achieving resiliency is often a matter of being able to handle
those few cases which happen during one day every other year. Any
reasoning based on the idea of « covering the 99 %
case that matter to us » is thus mostly wrong.
Here are some typical wrong ideas:
group nodes per region to achieve scalabiliy or performance
group nodes per telecommunication provider to achieve scalabiliy or performance
group nodes per type of usage (ex. email, http, hdfs, etc.) to achieve scalabiliy or performance
Each of these ideas break the key principle of randomness in the
selection of the mesh and thus destroy the resilient nature of re6st.
Here are other typical wrong ideas:
only destroy arrows that are not being used
only destroy arrows with bad metrics
never destroy arrows with good metrics
Each of these ideas also breaks the principle of randomness in the
selection and the principle that life requires destruction. Imagine
for example that one arrow stays alive because it provides excellent
performance. This creates a weakness for a man-in-the-middle
intrusion, since the path taken by packets becomes deterministic.
Another reason for strict random destruction is that in exceptionnal
situations, those which are outside the « 99 % of
cases that matter to us », bad arrows in normal times can
suddenly become good arrows in crisis times, just like the
countryside road becomes the only way to drive whenever all tolls are
blocked during a toll strike.
Because customers do not care the reason why a crisis situation
happens somewhere and only care about keep on using an online
service, being able to handle those crisis situations (which happen
about once or twice or year) is one of the reasons to exist of re6st.
Preserving design principles through practical exceptions
In order to maintain the resiliency of re6st, it is essential to
maintain its key principles very clear and visible in its code:
else any contributor – based on an intuitive sense of
praticality – will introduce changes that destroy resiliency
and will make the code look like the underlying principles are not
those that should be. This will lead to wrong intepretation of re6st,
misundertsanding and overall it will turn those exceptions into what
appear as principles of re6st.
About the random destruction of arrows:
Every certain time period (ex. 5 minutes) a certain share (ex. 30%) of arrow is destroyed ;
As an exception, if an arrow is being used, instead of
being destroyed, it is marked as « poorly performing »
until the routing protocol eliminates it from the routing table, and
is destroyed either whenever it is no longer used or after a longer
time period if it is still used (ex. 60 minutes)
As an exception, a certain share of most used arrows (ex.
20 %) out of the total number of arrows, is destroyed with a
lower probability that the other share.
About the random selection of arrows:
Arrows are selected randomly.
As an exception, certain arrows can be specified for bootstrap purpose.
As an exception, a subset of arrows (ex. nodes in well
known datacenters) can always be introduced in the random selection
process for a certain share of candidates (ex. 30%).
Introducting the n-order mesh
The first ideas that came out to make re6st scalable is to build a
hierarchical network on top of a set of re6st meshes. This idea
mimics the approach in which OSPF routed autonomous systems (AS) are
inteconnected by BGP through a few gateways in each AS.
However, this kind of approach does not satisfy the topology of
re6st in the use case of massively distributed cloud: each node
may be for example to a home FTTH with limited uplink (ex. 50 Mbps).
Turning one node into a gateway would lead to the exhaustion of
resources on that node.
Also, we do not like the idea to use different protocols at
different levels. This sounds like if we did not learn from the RINA
ideas that demonstrate that no rationale justifies having a different
API at different levels in a network architecture.
We therefore thought: how would it be possible through a
single routing protocol to implement a kind of mesh of mesh with no
gateway and no trafic centralization ? The solution to this
problem came with the idea of default route propagation in babel. The
babel protocol can progate default from one node to another node. The
propagation algorithm favours the closest default route in terms of
latency for example.
2-order mesh
Here is now the solution for a 2-order mesh. If one node is part
of two meshes, it can propagate the address range of one mesh to the
other mesh, and vice-versa. As long as we select in every mesh a
share (ex. 10 %) of nodes that is also part of another mesh, we
can manage through a single routing protocol a quadratic number of
nodes with a routing table that has has only double size compared to
the routing table for a single mesh. Nodes which belong to two mesh
have a routing table that is three times the size of routing table
for single mesh. Nodes which belong to three mesh have a routing
table that is four times the size of routing table for single mesh.
The choice of which nodes are part of more than one mesh would be
similar to a coordinator election in a distributed system, with a
calculated value, yet to define how, reflecting the capacity of each
node to belong to several meshes. The under-layer protocol could be
the same as the one used by re6st to revoke nodes, with some
randomness in this choice for better resiliency.
As we can see in this example, there is no dedicated mesh for
routing mesh. We implement the mesh of mesh by making nodes belong to
two mesh and by using distribution of routing for a default address
range. This case was easy because we use for nodes the node address
range and for mesh the mesh address range.
3-order mesh
The case of a 3-order mesh requires to group address ranges in
higher order address ranges. This implies for now to split one mesh
into sub-meshes, each of which with its smaller address range. The
choice of address range depends on the protocol that is used as basis
for routing.
We then apply the same ideas inside every mesh. In every submesh,
a certain share (ex. 10%) of randomly selected nodes also belongs to
another submesh and distribute the address range of that submesh. If
the total number of nodes in the mesh of mesh of mesh is cubic, then
the size of the routing table is linear with a constant that depends
on the number of mesh to which a node pertains to.
Visual Example
Here is an example of ungrouped nodes :

Nodes grouped by colour :

Mesh for red nodes :

Mesh for green nodes :

Mesh for blue nodes :

All mesh (not interconnected) :

Connecting red mesh and blue mesh to green mesh by selecting blue nodes part of green mesh and red nodes part of green mesh :

Blue nodes are never very far from green nodes :

It is possible without breaking re6st core principles for
resiliency to achieve scalability thanks to an n-order mesh structure
based on the idea of route propagation between randomly selected