Distributed Transactional NoSQL for the Cloud

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NEOPPOD Distributed Transactional NoSQL Object Database

NEO is a distributed, redundant and transactional storage designed to be an alternative to ZEO and FileStorage.



The reliability of a data storage - such as NEO - is critical. To ensure the quality of NEO design, its protocol is in the process of being formally proven through model-checking. To ensure code quality, NEO project relies on automated testing:

  • unit test checking individual method behaviour
  • functional tests checking node and cluster behaviour
  • standard ZODB test suites


The following software is required:

  • Linux 2.6 or later
    Note: the actual requirement is on epoll, integrated in 2.5.44. There are plans to add support for other platforms, but it is not implemented yet.
  • Python 2.7 (2.7.9 or later for SSL support)
  • MySQLdb
    Note: MySQL server is currently used as a backend for NEO, with InnoDB, RocksDB or TokuDB storage engine. This was chosen as an early approach to take advantage of existing features (transactional persistent storage, basically), and will be replaced with leaner key/value storage later.
  • ZODB >= 3.10.x (Zope 2.13 or later)


NEO is Free Software, licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 (or later).

You can get the source code in the following Git repository:

or browse it online.

It is also published on PyPI.


The following mailing lists are available:

Automated test results are published on

Project Members

Current members are:

Nexedi        Pilot Systems
LIP6     LIPN     MINES ParisTech  Cheikh Anta Diop University

New members are welcome.


NEO project was initiated in 2005 by Nexedi SA, a French company developing ERP5 - a Free Software ERP for small to large enterprises implemented on top of Zope - since 2001. NEO was then endorsed in 2009 by System@tic competitive cluster, by Paris Region and by FEDER programme of the European Union.